Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Valley Arts District

I was in a group show in May. It was at an old industrial core of the Valley neighborhood on the Orange/West Orange border in New Jersey.
"Once known as the “hat making capital of the world,” it is home to Italian restaurants and workingmen’s taverns. Yet the 1980s and 1990s were hard on the area: buildings fell into disrepair, businesses suffered, the neighborhood’s natural vitality faded away."---from : www.valleyartsdistrict.org


Monday, October 26, 2009

Project: "Wanderer"

Images from Open studio at Vermont Studio Center

I am working on a ptintmaking project. I printed hundreds of a single dandelion seed on paper. And I asked people writing their thoughts about dandelion and where they come from. Eventually, I would like to make a book of it.

"Welcome to My Territory: Reciprocity" in Fort Try on Park, NYC

Participating an event of Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance, Shani and I showed our works again. It was raining. So after the show at the park, we discarded the works.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Article from Korea Daily in NY

Photo by Nancy Palubniak
We are showing our installation works.
Welcome to My Territory;Reciprocity
April, 16th and 17th.
5-9 pm.
Adam clayton Powell Bluvard, Between 120 St. and 121 St.

Prints are available for $40.oo
to support Korean American Family Service center
& Harlem Textile Korean Daily

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When Stones Fly

Top: My Studio window, 2008
Bottom: " When Stones Fly," Photo-Etching, 2008, 11" x 14"