The film is concerned with the lives of the Haruno family, who live in the countryside north of Tokyo. It has been referred to as a "surreal" version of Ingmar Bergman's Fanny and Alexander. *
The daughter, Shachiko, thinks that if she could do a backflip on a horizontal bar, she could get rid of her giant doppelganger,who is following her. She decides on this plan after hearing from her uncle how he got rid of a stranger covered in blood. Her situation reminds me of my childhood in the 1980s on the outskirts of Seoul where I grew up. The little floor in the house connecting the interior and exterior of the house, the undecorated and natural yard and the vacant lot (Shachiko practices her backflip on a horizontal bar in this area) near the house.....And of course, her struggle fascinated me. (Some a time growing up, I was scared that I thought my reflection in a mirror was another person looking at me.)
The Haruno Family
The Father, Nobuo: A hypnotherapist who occasionally hypnotizes his family for fun, and is teaching his son Go.
The Mother, Yoshiko: An animator trying to break back into the business by creating a hand drawn segment at the kitchen table.
The Son, Hajime: who is having a rough time with girls and puberty, but is an excellent Go player.
The Daughter, Sachiko: who is being followed by a giant duplicate of herself and searches for ways to rid herself of it.
The Uncle, Ayano: A sound engineer and record producer from Tokyo taking a break from things.
The Grandfather, Akira: an eccentric old man, former animator and occasional model for Yoshiko's animation.
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